Book written in French - Treaty of Japanese aesthetics.
Treaty of Japanese aesthetics.
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Treaty of Japanese aesthetics.
Collection : Le Prunier
Number of pages : 110 pages
Format : 13,9 cm × 21,5 cm × 1,1 cm
Publication date : 24/06/2016
Language : French
ISBN : 978-2-35432-301-1
As Itô Teiji stated about the difficulty of defining Japanese aesthetics, "The dilemma we face comes from the fact that our understanding is intuitive and perceptual rather than rational and logical." Many Japanese writers favor a quality of indecision in the structure of their work. Thus, it is not the assumptions of the author's "controlling mind" that are followed but, as the Japanese expression goes, the brush itself.
The Japanese term zuihitsu, which can be translated as "trial", implies nothing more than that: following the brush, allowing it to hold the reins. Therefore, it is not a question here of struggling to reach logical conclusions. We will rather try to define these perceptions and variations of the aesthetic appreciation in a style that suggests the very uncertain character of their description.