
Book written in French - Japan - 100 instants de voyage, Illustrated collection of haikus, Édith Silva

Reference 1-LIV-323165
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Book - Japan - 100 instants de voyage, Illustrated collection of haikus, Édith Silva

Product Details

width 30 cm
length 40 cm
Product origin Made in France
Language Written in French


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Collection: The Prunier
Number of pages: 152
Format: 15 x 18
Release date: November 2018
​​​​​​​Language : French
ISBN: 978-2-35432-316-5
2 colors

Japan is an amazing country, for Westerners, and no doubt also for the Japanese themselves. Every moment can be intensely lived there and at the same time be as light as it is elusive. This is what Edith Silva gives us to feel: in a few minimalist strokes, full of humor and poetry, accompanied by a few words, she succeeds in conveying the intimacy of an experience, the depth of an instant. , and the flavor of Japan.