Book written in French - Drawing Buddhas to Calm Your Mind, Hiromi Tanaka
Book - Drawing Buddhas to Calm Your Mind, Hiromi Tanaka
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Product origin | Made in France |
Language | Written in French |
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Collection: The Prunier
Number of pages: 96
Format: 180x245
Release date: November 2017
Language : French
ISBN: 978-2-35432-307-3
translated from Japanese by Kozue Takagi
color illustrations
In this book, a bestseller in Japan, illustrator Hiromi Tanaka reproduced a large number of Buddhist statues whose features she memorized while visiting numerous temples across the country. It also recounts the history, legends and significance of each of these statues, transmitting valuable elements of Japanese cultural heritage.
By reading these stories and tracing the outlines of their forms we become familiar and intimate with the various Buddhas, Bodhisattvas and patron deities of Buddhist mythology.
Through this book, discover the beneficial and enriching experience of shabutsu which brings clarity of mind, joy and inner peace.