Book written in French - Sento, The art of Japanese baths, Stéphanie Crohin Kishigami
Book - Sento, The art of Japanese baths, Stéphanie Crohin Kishigami
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Product origin | Made in France |
Language | Written in French |
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Collection: The Prunier
Number of pages: 240
Format: 150 x 225
Release date: November 2020
Language : French
ISBN: 978-2-35432-330-1
Thanks to the benefits of very hot water, most often of natural origin, they have a role of purification, hygiene and relaxation as well as a community dimension, a meeting place for neighborhood members of all ages. abolished social differences. They also have an artistic dimension, and the painted frescoes, the mosaics, the layout of the baths make each of them a veritable small museum, from traditional-style sentos to modern designer sentos. This book, by exploring different aspects of Japanese bath culture and presenting more than sixty of them, opens the doors to an intimate world and allows us to appreciate the true gems of Japanese culture.