Book written in French - Shinto, the source of the Japanese spirit, Emiko Kieffer
Book - Shinto, the source of the Japanese spirit, Emiko Kieffer
Product Details
Product origin | Made in France |
Language | Written in French |
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Collection: The Prunier
Number of pages: 128
Format: 140 x 215
Release date: February 2019
Language : French
ISBN: 978-2-35432-317-2
B / W photos
Shinto is the ancestral religion of Japan. It is the Way of the kami which has no founder, no doctrine, no sacred text, no dogma.
He is this great invisible force that runs through the history of the Archipelago from ancient times to the present day and which is the source of the spirit of the Japanese people. "The ancestors and the great outdoors make us what we are now, we owe them gratitude, honor and respectful awe".
In this book, Emiko Kieffer presents the multiple manifestations of Shinto that permeate daily life in Japan: the omnipresence of the kami, respect for nature and objects, rituals and festivals, shrines, morals, behavior ...
It thus makes us feel what is at the heart of Japanese culture and people and which has always questioned the West.