List of products by brand Éditions Sully

Éditions Sully, founded in 1997, publishes works on personal development, psychology and spirituality, promoting authenticity and quality. Their mission is to promote works that enrich the lives of readers through alternative and profound perspectives.

Company name: Éditions Sully

Founded: 1997

Company Description :

Éditions Sully is a French publishing house founded in 1997 by François de Witt. Specializing in the publication of works on personal development, psychology, spirituality and health, it stands out for its commitment to offering books exploring alternative paths to knowledge and self-understanding.

This publishing house's mission is to promote works that help readers to know themselves better and improve their personal well-being. The Éditions Sully catalog is rich and varied, including titles covering a variety of subjects such as meditation, transpersonal psychology, Buddhism, yoga and holistic medicine. Published authors include psychology experts, spiritual teachers and alternative medicine practitioners.

Éditions Sully is distinguished by an editorial philosophy that values ​​authenticity, depth and quality. Each work is carefully chosen for its potential contribution to personal and collective reflection. The objective is to offer tools and perspectives that enrich the lives of readers and support them in their quest for meaning and well-being.

With national and international distribution, this publishing house plays a significant role in the dissemination of knowledge and alternative practices. Her contribution is particularly notable in the field of literature on spirituality and personal development, where she is recognized for the relevance and quality of her publications.

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