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List of products by brand BOKER
Boker, gegründet im 17. Jahrhundert in Remscheid, Deutschland, ist ein ikonischer Messerhersteller. Zunächst auf Handwerkzeuge spezialisiert, erweiterte das Unternehmen seine Produktion auf Messer und Schwerter. Nach dem Zweiten Weltkrieg baute Boker seine Fabrik wieder auf und expandierte international, besonders in Amerika und Argentinien. Heute ist Boker führend in der Herstellung von hochwertigen Messern und kombiniert Tradition mit modernen Innovationen.
Boker, a renowned knife manufacturer, has its origins in the 17th century in Remscheid, Germany, where the Boker family registered their trademark, featuring a chestnut tree, in 1674. The company initially focused on high-quality hand tools and later expanded into sword production in 1829 due to increasing demand. In the mid-19th century, the family branched out internationally, with Hermann Boker founding H. Boker & Co. in New York, and Heinrich Boker establishing a cutlery company in Solingen, which became the heart of Boker’s production.
Despite setbacks, such as the destruction of the Solingen factory during WWII, Boker rebounded and continued to grow, especially in the American market. Over time, Boker expanded further with subsidiaries like Boker Arbolito in Argentina and Boker USA, revitalizing its presence globally. The company also pioneered in creating Damascus steel knives in 1980 and innovated with automatic and ceramic knives in the following decades. Today, Boker remains a leader in the knife industry, combining tradition with cutting-edge technology.
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